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§163(j) Business Interest Expense Limitation


Cost $15.00
Presentation Length 2.0 hours

Recorded DateOctober 7, 2019
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaTaxes
Course LevelUpdate
Course Description

Borrowing to finance a business is expensive enough to begin with. Losing the tax deduction for business interest expense (BIE) opens a new wound and pours salt into it.  If new §163(j) applies to limit the BIE deduction, interest expense stacks up like checkers on a bad checkerboard. If it stacks up on you, then maybe, just maybe, you can deduct it later, or perhaps it will sit there and rot.


  • Business interest expense (BIE) allowed and suspended

  • Adjusted taxable income computation – Twists, twists and turns

  • Determining whether small business exempt from the rules

  • Determining whether business “tax shelter” is on the hook for §163(j) 

  • What in the dickens is excess business interest expense (EBIE) anyway?

  • What elections out are available? What do they cost?

  • How do C Corps fare?  S Corps?

  • How do partnership stack things? Where do the stacks end up sitting?

  • How the attribution rules can hand your head to you

  • Planning to keep BIE deductions flowing to begin with

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Bradley Burnett

Bradley Burnett Tax Seminars, Ltd.
Tax Attorney, Tax Advisor, Tax Instructor
[email protected]

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Bradley Burnett is a practicing Colorado attorney with 40 years of experience working specifically on tax issues. His practice specializes in tax planning and tax controversy resolution. Mr. Burnett has authored and delivered more than 3,800 presentations on U.S. tax law in the U.S. and international jurisdictions.


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About Our Presenter

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Mr. Burnett has delivered more than 3,000 presentations on U.S. tax law throughout all fifty U.S. states, Washington, D.C., the Bahamas, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Canada. He has authored texts of 35 CPE courses.